About the Prevention Council

The Herkimer County Prevention Council is dedicated to preventing alcohol and substance abuse as well as problem gambling by working in partnership with individuals, families and communities. We believe that all people are entitled to a positive protected environment, and that prevention services can make a difference in their lives.

Prevention Overview
New York State’s Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) approach to alcohol and substance abuse prevention, and the conceptual framework that supports it, has continuously evolved over time, and is based on emerging national research findings and the state’s experience in program development, implementation and evaluation.

OASAS defines prevention as a proactive, evidence-based process that utilizes effective programs and strategies to prevent or reduce substance use and problem gambling in individuals, families and communities. Services are planned based on knowledge of a community’s unique risk and protective factors profile. Higher numbers of risk factors can indicate higher levels of substance use in a community. OASAS does support prevention efforts across the life cycle.

The overarching goals of OASAS supported prevention programs are to: (from the prevention guidelines)

  1. To reduce the prevalence of substance use and abuse and problem gambling in the New York population.
  2. To delay the initiation of substance use and gambling behaviors among youth as long as possible.
  3. To decrease the negative health, social and economic consequences and costs associated with substanceabuse and problem gambling.
  4. To prevent the escalation of substance use and gambling behaviors to levels requiring treatment throughearly identification, brief intervention and referral.

The Herkimer County Prevention Council also works in conjunction with the Community
Partnership Coalition of Herkimer County, Mohawk Valley Prevention & Recovery Collaborative,
RISE Recovery Community Outreach Center and TREATY Program. Contact information for each
for these additional programs is listed below.

Prevention Council Staff

Director of Prevention & Recovery Services
Melissa Snyder

Assistant Program Director
Tyler Hand

Prevention Services Coordinator – Dolgeville Central School
Tayley Borden

Prevention Services Coordinator – Herkimer College
Toni Evanchak

Prevention Services Coordinator – Town of Webb School
Brendan McGrath

Prevention Services Coordinator- Mt. Markham School

Heather Maley


Prevention Services Coordinator – Herkimer BOCES

Karris Leonard

Prevention Services Coordinator – Herkimer School District
Crystal Gerhardt

Community Engagement & Training Coordinator, Amy Fahey

For more information on the Herkimer County Community Partnership Coalition please contact:

For more information on RISE Recovery Community Outreach Center, please contact: 

Assistant Project Director,
Jessica Tyrrell

Project Director,
Melissa Snyder

For more information on the TREATY Program, please contact: 

TREATY Director,
Taylor Money

TREATY Coordinator,
Shannon Eaker

Program Director,
Melissa Snyder

Add For more information about MHAT please contact:
MHAT Project Coordinator, Jennifer Brewer jbrewer@ccherkimer.org


For more information about Prevention Connection, please contact:
Prevention Connection Project Facilitator, Emily Cassillo ecassillo@ccherkimer.org
Prevention Connection Project Coordinator, Shannon Endsley-Berowski